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The next meeting of the
Fernando Valley Republican Club
will be on
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting
15555 Roscoe Blvd (just
east of the 405)
North Hills.
There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first
time visitors, students and guest speakers
who may attend at no cost.
Our featured speaker for June will be Larry
Sand, ofCalifornia Teachers
Empowerment Network who
will speak on Teachers
Unions vs. Educational Reform.
Please check out the important announcements
and event notices below. |
Larry Sand - Featured Speaker |
Larry Sand |
Teachers Unions vs. Education Reform
Larry Sand began
his teaching career in New York in 1971.
Beginning in 1984, he taught Elementary
school as well as English, math, history
and ESL in the Los Angeles Unified
School District, where he also served as
a Title 1 Coordinator.
Retired in 2009, he is the president of
the non-profit California
Teachers Empowerment Network -
a non-partisan, non-political group
dedicated to providing teachers with
reliable and balanced information about
professional affiliations and positions
on educational issues - information
teachers will often not get from their
school districts or unions.
CTEN was formed in 2006 because a wide
range of information from the more
global concerns of education policy,
education leadership, and education
reform, to information having a more
personal application, such as
professional liability insurance,
options of relationships to teachers
unions, and the effect of unionism on
teacher pay, comes to teachers from
entities that have a specific agenda.
Sand's comments and op-eds have
appeared in Associated Press, Wall
Street Journal, Real Clear Politics, The
Weekly Standard, Sacramento Bee,
Newsweek, Townhall Magazine, Los Angeles
Times, San Diego Union Tribune, Los
Angeles Daily News, Big Government, San
Jose Mercury News, Orange County
Register, U.S. News & World Report,
Huffington Post, School Reform News,
California Political Review, Clarion
Call and other publications.
He has blogged at Union
Watch since 2010 and in May 2011
became a regular contributor to City
Journal, the Manhattan Institute's
policy publication. Sand has appeared on
numerous broadcast news programs and
talk radio shows in Southern California
and nationally.
Sand regularly speaks to political,
religious and social groups and has
participated in panel discussions and
events focusing on education reform
efforts and the impact of teachers
unions on public education.
To find out more about Larry Sand and
the California Teachers Empowerment
Network, visit his website.
Spin Masters |
Potter, Author
member Don
Potter has
publshed a conservative novel, called Spin
Masters. Here is a synopsis of
the book:
Katie Norris pursues a political
cause she believes will accomplish two
things: re-elect a president and free
her from an overly protective and famous
father. She moves from a Madison Avenue
ad agency to Washington DC where she is
recruited by a stealth organization to
produce campaign ads, only to discover
her job is to embed subliminal messages
into commercials.
Katie suspects a friend's death is
really murder and enlists her new love,
newspaper reporter Mac McFarland to
investigate the incident.
They unearth evidence suggesting the
people Katie works for may
be responsible for a number of deaths in
order to keep their mission secret.
In the year leading up to the
presidential election, Katie and Mac
realize each new piece of evidence ties
in with the murder of another player.
And it is now too late to stop playing
this deadly game. Their only escape is
to expose this sinister scheme in which
a powerful few manipulate the minds of
innocent people to do their will.
The book is available on Amazon and
will also be available at our June 4th
meeting. |
BBQ Summer Bash |
the Westside Republicans and the
Westchester-Del Rey Republicans at their
Summer BBQ Bash on June 22.
The Westside
Republican Club and
the Westchester-Del
Rey Republican Club are
having a joint BBQ in June in lieu of
their regular meetings.
They have invited other Republicans to
join them.
Date: June 22, 2013 from 4:00pm
to 8:00pm
Location: 3019 Pico Blvd.,
Santa Monica, CA (Kronovet
$5.00 cover in advance, $10.00 at the
HOLD THE DATE! September 15, 2013 |
On Sunday, September 15th, from 1:00pm
to 4:00pm we will be celebrating the 10th
Anniversary of the San Fernando Valley
Republican Club. We will
provide you more information about the
venue shortly. Just hold the date so
you can join us in the celebration.
Dine and Donate at Fatburger |
Fatburger is offering an opportunity to help
As you know the Panorama City Fatburger
is owned by two Republicans, Julie
Nguyen and John Quintanilla. They are
offering an opportunity for SFVRC
members to eat at Fatburger. It is only
two blocks from where we meet at Galpin
Ford, so it is easy to go there before
or after our meeting, but the offer
applies anytime.
Go eat at Panorama City Fatburger, 8261
Sepulveda Blvd (at the corner of Roscoe)
Panorama City, 91402. The phone number
there is (818)894-7888. Keep your
receipt and bring it to me or to Karen
Klaparda, our secretary. We can then
turn the receipts in to Fatburger and
they will donate 15% of the receipts to
SFVRC. It is a great way to help the
club by having Fatburger donate a
percentage of your bill, but it also
helps a local business run by
Republican Business Directory |
Do Business with fellow Republicans
now have our Republican Business Directory
up and functioning.
click on the "Local Directory" tab. On
the left side of the page you will find
classifications of businesses. Click on
a classification and it will give you a
list of Republicans in that
We are encouraging all of our members
to patronize the businesses of our
fellow members and Republicans. If you
need goods and services, why not have
them provided by your fellow
For those of you who would like to have
your business listed in our business
directory, please send an email to:
Provide your name, the name and street
address of your business, your business
phone number, your business web site
address, and your email address. Also
provide a description of the services you
provide or the type of goods you sell. |
SFVRC Calendar of Events
Active Calendar of Republican and Club
have set up a Google Calendar on our club
web site. The calendar is regularly
maintained and includes not only events of
SFVRC but many other Republican events in
the area. Organizations wanting their
information included, please send the info
to me by email.
To access the calendar, go to and
click on "Calendar" on the menu, or go to:
The calendar is in monthly mode by default,
but you can click on "week" to see the
calendar by the week. If you click on any
event it will open up and give you details.
The calendar can also be printed.
are several events occurring during the
next few weeks. Be sure and check the
calendar to find out when and where.