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The next meeting of the
Fernando Valley Republican Club
will be on
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
15555 Roscoe Blvd (just
east of the 405)
North Hills.
There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first
time visitors, students and guest speakers who
may attend at no cost.
Our September meeting will be a review and
analysis of each of the propositions on the
November ballot, from Proposition 30 through
Proposition 40.
If there is any time leftover we will discuss
volunteer opportunities where you can help out
with campaigns and have an open discussion about
what's on your mind.
Please review the announcements and other
information below. |
The November Propositions |
Gary Aminoff |
A Review and Analysis
There will be eleven Propositions on the
November ballot - Propositions 30 through
Some of the titles are deceptive. Some of
the propositions have booby traps in them
but you have to read through them to find
the traps. Some of them are beneficial to
taxpayers, most are not.
Steve Frank |
Gary Aminoff and Steve
Frank will
give a thorough and detailed analysis of
each Proposition and our recommended
position for each. There will be a question
and answer period for each Proposition. By
the time the meeting is over you will be
completely familiar with each Proposition.
Be sure and attend so you are familiar with
the Propositions and you can help inform
your family, friends and neighbors.
Republican Business Directory |
Do Business with fellow Republicans
We now
have our Republican Business Directory up and
click on the "Local Directory" tab. On the
left side of the page you will find
classifications of businesses. Click on a
classification and it will give you a list
of Republicans in that classification.
We are encouraging all of our members to
patronize the businesses of our fellow
members and Republicans. If you need goods
and services, why not have them provided by
your fellow Republicans?
For those of you who would like to have your
business listed in our business directory,
please send an email to:
Provide your name, the name and street address
of your business, your business phone number,
your business web site address, and your email
address. Also provide a description of the
services you provide or the type of goods you
sell. |
SFVRC Calendar of Events
Active Calendar of Republican and Club Events
have set up a Google Calendar on our club web
site. The calendar is regularly maintained and
includes not only events of SFVRC but many other
Republican events in the area. Organizations
wanting their information included, please send
the info to me by email.
To access the calendar, go to and
click on "Calendar" on the menu, or go to:
The calendar is in monthly mode by default, but
you can click on "week" to see the calendar by
the week. If you click on any event it will
open up and give you details. The calendar can
also be printed.
are several events occurring during the next
few weeks. Be sure and check the calendar
to find out when and where.