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Dear Gary,
The next meeting of the
San Fernando Valley Republican Club
will be on
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
15555 Roscoe Blvd (just east of the 405)
North Hills.
There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first time visitors, students and guest speakers who may attend at no cost.
Our featured speaker for March will be Karen Kenney, of the San Fernando Valley Patriots.
We will also have Mark Reed and Susan Shelley, candidates for the new 30th Congressional District of the SFV.
We are also going to vote on endorsing Alan Jackson for District Attorney and Kevin James for Mayor of Los Angeles.
7:00pm Meeting Call to Order
7:15 pm Vote on endorsement of Alan Jackson and Kevin James.
7:30pm Forum of Congressional candidates, Mark Reed and Susan Shelley
8:15pm Featured Speaker, Karen Kenney
8:50pm Announcements and other business
9:00pm Adjournment
Please review the announcements and other information below. |
Endorsements |
Alan Jackson
Alan Jackson and Kevin James
Alan Jackson is the only Republican running for the office of District Attorney of Los Angeles County. He spoke to SFVRC in January.
Kevin James is the only Republican running for the office of Mayor of the City of Los Angeles. Kevin spoke to SFVRC last year.
Kevin James
We will take a vote on having SFVRC give endorsements to these two Republican candidates, both of whom are running in non-partisan races.
They have both requested the endorsement of SFVRC. Since they are the only Republican candidates running in their respective races we should give them our endorsement.
Mark Reed and Susan Shelley |
Candidates for the 30th Congressional District
Susan Shelley is the author of the novel "The 37th Amendment" and of a modern history of the Bill of Rights titled, "How the
Susan Shelley
First Amendment Came to Protect Topless Dancing." She graduated from California State University Northridge with a B.A. in American history and went on to work
for Merv Griffin Enterprises as a secretary and then a production assistant, eventually becoming the Associate Producer of "Jeopardy!" before going on to be a full-time writer. Her work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles Daily News, and other papers around the country as well as on the Internet. She served as the Director of
Communications for Republican congressional candidate David Benning in 2010.
Mark Reed is a Republican candidate challenging incumbent Congressman Brad Sherman and Congressman Howard Berman in the 30th Congressional District of California. Mark ran against Congressman Brad Sherman in 27th District in 2010. Mark had the second smallest margin in the State of Calif. challenging an incumbent Democrat. Mark is now endorsed by over a hundred national, state and local elected officials and leaders. The list includes leaders like Michael Reagan, Amb. John Bolton and Michael Antonovich.
Mark Reed |
He was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, a suburb of Los Angeles, California. Born August 11, 1957, Mark is a descendant of the Mohawk and Apache tribes, mixed with German, English, Spanish and French. After graduation from El Camino Real High School in 1975, Reed studied Architectural Drafting at Pierce Jr. College from 1976-1978.
Reed, age 54, is a successful actor, small businessman, rancher and an advocate for constitutional government as specified by our Founding Fathers. Reed has been actively involved in the Veterans' efforts to save the VA Sepulveda and West Los Angeles medical centers from encroachment by private sector developers (profit and non-profit). Reed believes that Veterans land is sacred.
Format: Each candidate will give an introductory statement. We will pass out cards so that members can submit written questions which will be asked of the candidates. We will only take written questions of the candidates in the interest of time. If you have a question you would like asked, please write it and hand it to a monitor.
Featured Speaker: Karen Kenney |
Three Choices, not Third Party
Karen Kenney, coordinator of the San Fernando Valley Patriots, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Encino. She is a former journalist (Los Angeles Daily News), former typesetter (Los Angeles Times), former records-and-identification clerk (LAPD) and a former insurance clerk (Continental National Assurance) and current pet owner of "Dudley," a rescued mini-schnauzer/sealyham terrier, who often accompanies her to outdoor rallies. This is her first attempt at "community organizing" and she is grateful daily for the beloved "TeaPots" she has met through this effort to restore American principles to local, state and national governing via joining the modern tea party movement organized by the Tea Party Patriots.
The San Fernando Valley Patriots began in May 2009 after the nationwide Tax Day Tea Party events of April 15 ignited the 18th-century spirit of the colonial Boston Tea Party to protest the tax tyranny of the British government on its American citizens.
The tax-and-spend policies of our federal, state and local governments--and our first public event at Warner Center Park in Woodland Hills on July Fourth--confirmed our commitment to promote the principles of governance based on the the founding documents of the nation: The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. We believe that an informed citizen makes a better voter and that a better voter makes better choices for elected officials to represent us in this Republic.
Our goal is to gather like-minded people that value limited government, free-market principles and individual liberty and to act as one to remind those that govern us that they work "at the consent of the governed."
2012 Republican Primaries |
Schedule of Republican Primaries in 2012
For a list of Republican Primaries this year you can go to the RPLAC website, under the tab: "Talking Points."
Republican Business Directory |
Do Business with fellow Republicans
We are in the process of publishing our Republican business directory. The site should be up by mid-February.
In these tough economic times we have decided to help each other out economically.
We are preparing a business roster of Republicans for Los Angeles County.
We are encouraging all of our members to patronize the businesses of our fellow members and Republicans. If you need goods and services, why not have them provided by your fellow Republicans?
For those of you who would like to have your business listed in our business directory, please send an email to: to: BUSINESS@SFVRC.ORG.
Provide your name, the name and street address of your business, your business phone number, your business web site address, and your email address. Also provide a description of the services you provide or the type of goods you sell.
We would like to publish this directory soon, so please send in your information. Send an email to business@sfvrc.orgwith the above information.
SFVRC Calendar of Events
Active Calendar of Republican and Club Events
We have set up a Google Calendar on our club web site. The calendar is regularly maintained and includes not only events of SFVRC but many other Republican events in the area. Organizations wanting their information included, please send the info to me by email.
To access the calendar, go to and click on "Calendar" on the menu, or go to:
The calendar is in monthly mode by default, but you can click on "week" to see the calendar by the week. If you click on any event it will open up and give you details. The calendar can also be printed.
There are several events occurring during the next few weeks. Be sure and check the calendar to find out when and where.