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Dear Gary,
The next meeting of the
San Fernando Valley Republican Club
will be on
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
15555 Roscoe Blvd (just east of the 405)
North Hills.
There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first time visitors, students and guest speakers who may attend at no cost.
Our featured speaker for October will be Wayne Hughes, Jr., who will speak on the topic, "One Man's Political Journey in California."
Our Vice President, Merlin Froyd led a group of our members who brought food to the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission. Merlin will talk about this during the October meeting.
Please review the announcements and other information below. See the information relating to the Petition for fixing the faulty Senate Districts and the free Meet and Greet withAnita Perry.
Wayne Hughes, Jr. - Featured Speaker
Wayne Hughes, Jr. |
One Man's Political Journey in California
Wayne Hughes, Jr. is a businessman and philanthropist in California.
Founder of American Commercial Equities, Wayne is active in the Southern California real estate industry and a Board Member of Public Storage.
Wayne hails from Southern California, and studied performing arts at USC. He is an active outdoorsman and accredited surfer.
He is also a rancher and farmer in Central California.
With his wife Wendy, the Hughes family supports arts and civic education for rural and urban youth through their
Cantinas Ranch Foundation. They reside in Malibu, CA, and host a public affairs salon that attracts a wide range of California business, political, and cultural leadership.
Mr. Hughes has been a strong supporter of GOP candidates and causes, and he has written and spoken out thoughtfully for job creation and an economic growth agenda in California. |
Meet Anita Perry |
Monday, October 3rd RPLAC is sponsoring a meet and greet with Anita Perry, wife of Governor Rick Perry on Monday, October 3rd at 3:00pm in Torrance.
Click here for details.
Also, the next RPLAC meeting is on Thursday, October 13,at 7:00pm at the Mike Curb Junior Achievement Center, 6250 Forest Lawn Drive. |
Operation Gratitude |
A Concert to Support Op Grat
Operation Gratitude is a wonderful organization that provides care packages and letters to our servicemen and women overseas. It is an organization supported by SFVRC, and many of our members.
There is a Kellie Pickler and Casey James concert on Friday night, October 7th the proceeds of which will go to support Operation Gratitude. 
To find out more about Operation Gratitude, go here.
To buy tickets for the concert, go here.
Carolyn Blashek, of Operation Gratitude will speak to SFVRC to tell us about the work of Op Grat at the November meeting.
Fix the Faulty Senate Maps |
Help Get Signatures on the Petition
The California Republican Party has always supported the idea of having an independent commission draw Congressional, Senate, Assembly and Board of Equalization legislative lines. However, the process as it stands now, has been contaminated with partisanship and secrecy, and is far from the independent and fair process Californians expected when they approved Propositions 11 and 20.
Help us gather signatures on a petition to restore transparency to California's Redistricting process and to put the issue before voters in 2012!
For every signature you get, SFVRC, will earn $1.00 for our treasury.
We need approximately 550,000 signatures statewide by end of October. Every signature counts. We want to get a referendum on the ballot voiding the State Senate Maps and having the California Supreme Court draw the lines.
We need your help, and a major effort. I will be getting out a separate email in the next few days letting you know how to get petitions for signature.
SFVRC Calendar of Events
New Active Calendar of Republican and Club Events
We have now set up a Google Calendar on our club web site. The calendar is regularly maintained and includes not only events of SFVRC but many other Republican events in the area. Organizations wanting their information included, please send the info to me by email.
To access the calendar, go to and click on "Calendar" on the menu, or go to:
The calendar is in monthly mode by default, but you can click on "week" to see the calendar by the week. If you click on any event it will open up and give you details. The calendar can also be printed.
There are several events occurring during the next few weeks. Be sure and check the calendar to find out when and where.
Republican Business Directory |
Do Business with fellow Republicans
In these tough economic times we have decided to help each other out economically.
We are preparing a business roster of Republicans for SFVRC members. This will be merged with a county-wide business directory that is being prepared by LA County Republican Clubs.
We are encouraging all of our members to patronize the businesses of our fellow members and Republicans. If you need goods and services, why not have them provided by your fellow Republicans?
For those of you who would like to have your business listed in our business directory, please send an email to: to:BUSINESS@SFVRC.ORG.
Provide your name, the name and street address of your business, your business phone number, your business web site address, and your email address. Also provide a description of the services you provide or the type of goods you sell.
We would like to publish this directory soon, so please send in your information. Send an email to with the above information.