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The next meeting of the
San Fernando Valley Republican Club
will be on
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
15555 Roscoe Blvd (just east of the 405)
North Hills.
There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first time visitors, students and guest speakers who may attend at no cost.
We will not have a featured speaker at this meeting. We will hear from various candidates running for election on March 8th. We will also have committee sign ups. See below for details.
Please review the event announcements and other information below.
March 8th Election
Los Angeles City Council: The following are the Republican Candidates running for Los Angeles City Council:
CD#6: James "Jamie" Cordaro, David Barron
CD#10: Andrew Kim
CD#12: Armineh Chelebian, Mitchell Englander, Kelly Lord and Navraj Singh.
My recommendation for those offices where there is not a Republican running - vote for anyone other than the incumbent. I suggest looking at the Clean Sweep LA website for their recommendations:
Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees:
The following are the Republican Candidates running for the Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees:
Seat #1 Jozef Essavi
Seat #3 Mark Isler (Mark Isler is not on the ballot so you have to write him in on your ballot form).
Seat #5 Lydia Gutierrez, Manny Aldana, Pamela Bolin and Mark Lee
Seat #7 Erick Aguirre
For candidates running in other local races, you can find out who the Republicans are by going to the County Party Website:
There are two people who have the expertise and knowledge and who I trust to understand the complex provisions of the Los Angeles City Charter and its proposed amendments on the current ballot. One of them is Kevin James and the other is Ron Kaye. Since they differ I am going to give you their recommendations here:
Ron Kaye's Recommendations:
Vote NO on all propositions.
Kevin James' Recommendations:
G - Yes
H - Yes
I - Yes
J - Yes
L - NO
M - NO
N - Yes
O - NO
P - Yes
Q - Yes
Committees |
Join a Committee
Our ByLaws provide for the following standing committees and sub-committees. At our March 1st meeting we will be taking signups for committees.
If you can't attend the March 1st meeting, but would like to serve on a committee, please send me an email to letting me know on which committee you would like to serve.
Section A. Committees of the San Fernando Valley Republican Club:
1) Political Activism Committee. Sub-committees of the Political Activism Committee are: Political Campaign Sub-Committee, Voter Registration Campaign Sub-Committee, Military Support Sub-Committee, High School and College Republican Club Sub-Committee, Conservative Issues Sub-Committee and Youth Group and Boy Scouts Sub-Committee. The Chairman of the Political Activism Committee shall be responsible for the appointment of members to the Sub-committees and for the appointment of Chairmen of the Sub-committees.
2) Public Relations Committee. Sub-committees of the Public Relations Committee are: Media Sub-Committee, Speakers Bureau Sub-Committee, Membership Sub-Committee and Legislative Sub-Committee. The Chairman of the Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for the appointment of members of the Sub-committees and for the appointment of Chairmen of the Sub-committees.
Policy on Endorsement of Candidates |
Candidate Endorsements
The policy of SFVRC regarding candidate endorsements, which is governed by our ByLaws, is as follows. We can only endorse candidates who are registered Republicans. Candidates who are not registered Republicans will not be able to be endorsed by SFVRC. Further, our ByLaws prevent us from endorsing any candidate in a primary race where there is more than one Republican running in that race.
Republicans running unopposed in a primary race, or running in a general election or run-off election can apply for endorsement at any of our general meetings.
We will send out announcements of events for Republican candidates which will be taking place in the San Fernando Valley.
SFVRC Calendar of Events
New Active Calendar of Republican and Club Events
We have now set up a Google Calendar on our club web site. The calendar is regularly maintained and includes not only events of SFVRC but many other Republican events in the area. Organizations wanting their information included, please send the info to me by email.
To access the calendar, go to and click on "Calendar" on the menu, or go to:
The calendar is in monthly mode by default, but you can click on "week" to see the calendar by the week. If you click on any event it will open up and give you details. The calendar can also be printed.
There are several events occurring during the next few weeks. Be sure and check the calendar to find out when and where.
Republican Business Directory |
Do Business with fellow Republicans
In these tough economic times we have decided to help each other out economically.
We are preparing a business roster of Republicans for SFVRC members. This will be merged with a county-wide business directory that is being prepared by LA County Republican Clubs.
We are encouraging all of our members to patronize the businesses of our fellow members and Republicans. If you need goods and services, why not have them provided by your fellow Republicans?
For those of you who would like to have your business listed in our business directory, please send an email to:
Provide your name, the name and street address of your business, your business phone number, your business web site address, and your email address. Also provide a description of the services you provide or the type of goods you sell.
We would like to publish this directory by March, so please send in your information. Send an email with the above information.