San Fernando Valley
Republican Club
Meeting Notice and Newsletter
The next meeting of the
San Fernando Valley
Republican Club will be
Tuesday, November 3,
Galpin Ford, 2nd
Floor Meeting Room
15555 Roscoe Blvd
(just east of the
North Hills.
There is a $5.00 event
fee, except for first
time visitors, students
and guest speakers who
may attend at no cost.
Our featured speaker
will be
Assemblyman Cameron
We will have
Ron Kaye of
ronkayela.com and
ourla.org give us
our monthly update on
the goings-on in the LA
City Hall.
There is a lot of
important information
contained in this
newsletter. There are
some important events in
the next few weeks.
Please read the items
Assemblyman Cameron
Smyth - 38th AD |
Elected in 2006,
Assemblyman Cameron
Smyth is honored to
represent the 38th
Assembly District,
which includes the
cities of Los
Angeles, Santa
Clarita, Simi Valley
and Glendale.
Upon his re-election
in 2008, Assemblyman
Smyth was appointed
by Assembly
Republican Leader
Michael Villines as
the Republican
Caucus Chair, which
is the
ranking Republican
in the State
Assembly. An
integral part of the
Assembly Republican
leadership team, the
Caucus Chair assists
the Leader in
advancing the
Republican policy
agenda, and
achieving the
Caucus' political
goals. Additionally,
the Caucus Chair
communicates with
Republican leaders
California on key
legislative issues
and party matters.
Cameron has always
been a great friend
of the San Fernando
Valley Republican
Club and we welcome
him back for another
Find out more about
Cameron Smyth on his
web site.
33 Minutes - A
Must-see Video

America in the
New Missile Age
We will be
showing this
video at
Galpin Ford
at 7:00pm on
October 20th
at 7:00pm.
Please join
us to see
this very
film. We
will have a
the film
33 Minutes:
Protecting America
in the New Missile
Age is a
one-hour documentary
produced by The
Heritage Foundation
that tells the story
of the very real
threat foreign
enemies pose to
every one us. The
truth is brutal - no
matter where on
Earth a missile is
launched from it
would take 33
Minutes or less to
hit the U.S. target
it was programmed to
proliferation around
the world, and the
threat of a
ballistic missile
attack of some kind
is mounting as more
and more countries
obtain nuclear
technology. The
ongoing threat
toward America is
also accelerating
due to the fact that
there are many rogue
nations and
organizations who
either have or are
seeking ballistic
missiles and nuclear
The challenges of
protecting America
and its citizens for
President Obama's
administration are
great. Featuring
rare footage and
in-depth interviews
with leading experts
in the field, 33
Minutes is the
documentary exposing
the untold
vulnerability we all
face and the action
plan necessary to
revive a strategic
missile defense
system that America
uniquely can
develop, maintain,
and employ for its
own defense and the
peace-loving world's
You can find out
more about this film
produced by The
Heritage Foundation
Help Recover a
Congressional Seat for
the GOP |
Join Us - October
This Saturday,
October 24th, The
Republican Party of
Los Angeles County
is sending two bus
loads of volunteers
to Walnut Creek for
the day to walk
precincts for
David Harmer
who is running
against John
Garamendi in the
10th Congressional
District. This is a
vacant seat. David
Harmer has a chance
to take this seat.
We want to help him
do that.
Please join us for a
fun day of work and
camaraderie to walk
precincts for David
Harmer. If you
would like to join
us, please send an
email to
The buses will leave
at 6:00am Saturday
morning and return
before midnight. I
know its a long day,
but how important is
it to get one more
Republican in the
House? Pretty
important, I would
say. You can read
more about David
Harmer on his web
Next RPLAC Meeting |
November 13, 2009
The next meeting of
the Republican Party
of Los Angeles
County will be on
November 13, 2009 at
the Mike Curb
Financial Center of
the Junior
Achievement Center,
6250 Forest Lawn
Drive, Los Angeles,
CA 90068 at 6:30pm.
There is always
discussed at the
RPLAC meetings and I
encourage everyone
to attend. It is
located between the
Mt. Sinai and Forest
Lawn cemetaries on
Forest Lawn Drive
near Barham.
SFVRC Calendar of
New Active Calendar
of Republican and Club
have now set up a Google
Calendar on our club web
site. The calendar is
regularly maintained and
includes not only events
of SFVRC but many other
Republican events in the
area. Organizations
wanting their
information included,
please send the info to
me by email.
To access the calendar,
go to
and click on "Calendar"
on the menu, or go to:
The calendar is in
monthly mode by default,
but you can click on
"week" to see the
calendar by the week.
If you click on any
event it will open up
and give you details.
The calendar can also be
There are several
events occurring
during the next few
weeks. Be sure and
check the calendar
to find out when and
Looking for Work? |
Fernando Valley Job
Gary Starr and I
have formed a job
board. Those
looking for work can
post their resumes
and information on
the job board for
free. Employers
posting jobs will
pay a nominal fee.
We are providing
this job board as a
service to the
community and
especially our
members to assist
you in finding a
To post your
information go to
San Fernando Valley
Job Board.
SFVRC Business Roster |
Do Business with
fellow Republicans
In these tough economic
times we have decided to
help each other out
We are preparing a
business roster of
Republicans for SFVRC
members. This will be
merged with a
county-wide business
directory that is being
prepared by LA County
Republican Clubs.
We are encouraging all
of our members to
patronize the businesses
of our fellow members
and Republicans. If you
need goods and services,
why not have them
provided by your fellow
For those of you who
would like to have your
business listed in our
business directory,
please send an email to:
. Provide your name,
the name and street
address of your
business, your business
phone number, your
business web site
address, and your email
address. Also provide a
description of the
services you provide or
the type of goods you
We would like to publish
this directory by May,
so please send in your
information. Send an
email to
with the above
RPLAC Martin Luther
King Jr Awards Dinner |
January 16, 2010
Republican Party of
Los Angeles County
is sponsoring the
First Annual
Martin Luther King
Jr Recognition
Awards Banquet
at the Renassiance
Montura Hotel, 9620
Airport Boulevard,
Los Angeles, CA
90045 on January 16,
2010 at 6:30pm.
Hold the Date. You
can find out more
The San Fernando Valley
Republican Club has a Facebook
Group Page. Please join us at:
We expect to have another great
meeting of the San Fernando
Valley Republican Club on
Tuesday, November 3, 2009. I
hope to see you there.

Gary Aminoff
San Fernando Valley Republican

Help support the San Fernando
Valley Republican Club. There
are very important elections
coming up in 2010 for Assembly,
State Senate, Congress and
Senate, as well as statewide
elections for Governor. We want
to build a war chest to use to
help get Republicans elected in
the San Fernando Valley. Please
consider a contribution.