Our Ongoing Conversation
As you know,
in March we had a lively discussion about what our
priorities should be and in what areas we should be
directing our efforts. You might recall that I sent
an email out listing the topics that were offered
and who suggested them. Here is another copy of
that list:

I then summarized the list as follows:
These can be broken down further into some general
Outreach and
Community Involvement
College Republicans
Young Republicans
Republican Women Federated Clubs
Other Republican Clubs
Decline-to-states, Other conservative parties
Ethnic groups, especially Latinos and
Teen-age Republicans
Local charitable events
Neighborhood Councils
Boy Scouts
Voter Registration at community events
Veteran organizations, including the VA,
Operation Gratitude, etc.
Work with Educational Institutions
Set up a committee
to come up with a strategy for:
Community Colleges
Public Relations with media
relationships with various media outlets:
Daily newspapers
Talk radio
Cable TV
Neighborhood weekly newpapers
Find a friendly reporter and keep him/her
informed as to what SFVRC is doing,
especially what we are doing for the
community, and what issues we have taken
positions on.
Help promote the idea of private
investment accounts in lieu of social
security for those under thirty ("Rise up
Utilize the new media to organize and
Set up a Precinct Chairman for the club.
Organize area chairman
Set up precinct captains under each area
Have precinct captains organize precinct
leaders for every precinct in the Valley.
Precinct operation to help organize
Neighborhood Watch groups, work with local law
enforcement agencies,
and find other ways to help make the
neighborhoods safe. Let's have our neighbors,
Republicans, Democrats and DTS's alike, know
that Republicans are in the neighborhood and we
are there to help.
Candidate identification, recruitment and training
Have everyone be alert to potential
candidates in their daily life.
Find out if they have a core belief in
limited government
Are they passionate about liberty?
Are they willing to run for office?
Set up candidate training sessions.
Last, but not least, Ken Nerrie had it right when he
said we should have fun. While what we do is
serious business about trying to make sure that our
beloved Country stays with the ideals and principles
of our Founding Fathers and our originating
documents, we should have fun doing it. We are
going to implement some ideas about how we do that,
as well.
At the June meeting we are going to continue the
discussion. We will have some additional
presentations by members. We will take some
additional input from members, and I expect that we
will probably come out of the June meeting with at
least three principal activities that we think are
priorities for SFVRC to undertake to increase the
probability of Republican candidates winning
elections in the San Fernando Valley, which is our
ultimate objective.