Dear Gary,
The next meeting of the San
Fernando Valley Republican Club
will be on
Tuesday, April 7 2009
Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor
Meeting Room
15555 Roscoe Blvd
(just east of the 405)
North Hills.
There is a $5.00 event fee,
except for first time visitors,
students and guest speakers who
may attend at no cost.
Our featured speaker will be
Michael Patrick Leahy.
See information our featured
speaker and about upcoming
activities below.
There is a lot of important and
relevant information contained
in this newsletter. Please read
the items below.
Featured Speaker - Michael
Patrick Leahy |
Top Conservatives on Twitter
Michael Patrick Leahy is a
conservative author and
Republican strategist.
He is one of the co-founders
TCOT, is the publisher
and managing editor of the
TCOT Report, and is the
founder of
TCOT Action Projects,
and a principal organizer of
the national
Tea Party protests.
Michael Patrick Leahy, a
descendant of Civil War and
Revolutionary War enlisted
soldiers, was born in 1955
in Oswego, New York. He grew
up in upstate New York ,
graduated magna cum laude
from Harvard University in
1977, and received an MBA
from Stanford in 1981.
His professional career
started as a management
consultant with Arthur D.
Little, and included
management roles with
Businessland, Tejano
Syndications, and Glamour
Shots of Canada. From 1993
to 1999 he was an adjunct
professor of management at
Vanderbilt University's Owen
Graduate School of
Management, where he taught
the Entrepreneurship course.
Since 2000, he has operated
Guerrilla Enterprise
Management, which provides
technology marketing
services to software
companies and other clients.
Controversy over Proposition
1A |
Should the CRP take a
position on Proposition 1A?
There are some differences
of opinion in the California
Republican Party about
whether the CRP should take
a position on the
Propositions on the May
ballot, particularly
Proposition 1A.
Proposition 1A provides
spending caps, although some
argue that the language
gives too many exceptions,
but the kicker with 1A is
that if it passes, it
extends the "temporary" tax
increases for an additional
two years. That means four
years of excess taxation
instead of the two which is
now law. So, if you like
spending caps and you want
to vote for it, you are also
voting for an additional two
years of the additional
taxes that were just voted
in by the legislature.
The Governor is a
Republican. He and his
supporters provide funds to
the CRP. If the CRP takes a
position against Prop. 1A
they are taking a position
against the Governor, and
against the Governor's
financial supporters - the
Dream Team. That means that
the CRP may be hurting
itself financially by taking
a stand against the
The issue is going to come
before the CRP Executive
Committee. The Board of
Directors of the CRP which
met a couple of days ago
voted to urge the Party's
Executive Committee to
oppose Proposition 1A

Steve Poizner, candidate for
Governor in 2010, also urges
the CRP Executive Committee
to take a stand against
Proposition 1A. Here is the
message from Steve Poizner:
Poizner Calls on California
Republican Party to Oppose
Proposition 1A
Steve Poizner today sent the
following letter to
California Republican Party
Chairman Ron Nehring.
Steve called on the CRP to
formally oppose Proposition
1A on the May 19 ballot.
Steve is vigorously
campaigning against
Proposition 1A because its
passage would result in $16
billion in higher car,
income, and sales taxes for
an additional two years. A
copy of the letter follows:
March 24, 2009
Mr. Ron Nehring
Chairman, California
Republican Party
1903 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91506
Dear Chairman Nehring:
I am writing to publicly
urge that the Executive
Committee of the California
Republican Party formally
place the CRP in strong
opposition to Proposition 1A
on the May 19 ballot.
Proposition 1A is an
outrageous attack on
hard-working Californians
and their families. Prop 1A
does nothing to change the
fiscally irresponsible
approach that is the cause
of our chronic budget
deficits. Instead, it will
cost Californians jobs and
hurt small businesses at a
time when the state's
unemployment rate is already
at a staggering 10.5
percent. Proposition 1A is
the latest example of
self-destructive policy that
will further damage
California's ability to
compete with neighboring
states and in the global
Worst of all, Proposition 1A
is a cynical trick: it seeks
to fool the voters into
approving a two-year
extension of higher car,
income and sales taxes that
will cost the average
California family over
$1,000 and total an
estimated $16 billion. The
Legislature's leadership
specifically wrote a slanted
ballot description so that
there is no mention of the
tax increase. The
legislators stacked the deck
in the hopes of fooling the
voters. For this reason
alone, the California
Republican Party should
speak out clearly on
Proposition 1A.
Instead of raising taxes,
Republicans must come
together to support real,
pro-growth reforms. In the
midst of this recession,
state leaders should be
laser-focused on creating
jobs, not raising taxes that
cost jobs. With bold action
and pro-growth reforms, we
can rebuild California's
economy and provide jobs for
California families.
It would be a betrayal of
core Republican principles -
opposition to higher taxes,
support for fiscal
responsibility and a
commitment to accountable
and open government - if the
CRP did not oppose
Proposition 1A. I look
forward to the California
Republican Party's Executive
Committee vote to place the
party in aggressive
opposition to this
misleading ballot measure.
Steve Poizner
California Insurance
While the SFVRC hasn't yet voted
on the issue, I am confident
that our club will choose to
take a position opposing
Propositions 1A through 1F since
it seems clear that those
Propositions are not in the best
interests of the taxpayers of
the State of California.
Tax Day Tea Party - Van Nuys
Van Nuys Civic Center Plaza -
7:00pm - April 15th
We are co-sponsors of the
Tax Day Tea Party on April
15th. The Tax Day Tea Party
will take place on the Van
Nuys Civic Center Plaza at
7:00pm. Bring American
flags and signs.
The Tax Day Tea Party is a
protest against the huge
spending package that the
Obama administration is
promoting and the mortgage
bailout plan, which will
have the effect of
substantially increasing
taxes for a large number of
Newt Gingrich's American
Solutions Movement comes to
the Tea Party.
here about Newt
Gingrich's support of the
Tea Party movement.
is a part of the
announcement from Gingrich's
American Solutions:
March 17, 2009
Washington, DC--American
Solutions for Winning the
Future today announced their
endorsement and support of
the Nationwide Tax Day Tea
Party, an event spanning the
nation in over 150 cities
and towns across America on
April 15. In addition to
supporting the Tax Day
event, American Solutions
has joined the Nationwide
Tea Party Coalition (NTPC),
the coordinator of both this
and the prior Nationwide
Chicago Tea Party held
February 27, 2009.
"The American people are fed
up with Washington's
irresponsible spending
spree," said Newt Gingrich,
General Chairman of American
Solutions. "There are better
solutions than big
government and higher taxes
to create jobs and get the
economy moving again."
"American Solutions is proud
to partner with the
Nationwide Tea Party
Coalition to communicate
this message to our elected
officials," Gingrich added.
The NTPC was formed February
20, 2009 by three grassroots
organizations: Dontgo
Movement (Dontgo), Top
Conservatives on Twitter
(TCOT), and Smart Girl
Politics (SGP).
"These Tea Party events
offer a highly visible
point-of-focus for the
burgeoning movement of
spontaneous public
demonstrations. Whether
people live in New York or
Wichita, they can find an
April 15th event nearby and
come out to voice their
opposition to the
spend-borrow-tax policies of
the Obama Administration and
politicians in Congress,"
Michael Patrick Leahy,
founder of TCOT.
Young Republicans |
Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita
Valley, Antelope Valley Young
Ashley Ingram and
Justin Smith have started
up a
Young Republican Group
which will encompass the San
Fernando Valley, the Santa
Clarita Valley and the Antelope
Valley. They now have
approximately 30 members. If
you know young Republicans
between the ages of 18 and 40,
send the names to Ashley (ashleyingram86@gmail.com)
or Justin at (jaybsup74@yahoo.com).
Special Event - 41st AD
Central Committee |
The Propositions on May 19
Gubernatorial Candidate Tom
Campbell - April 11
The 41st Assembly District
Central Committee is having
a special event on Saturday,
Aprill 11 at the Sagebrush
Cantina located at 23527
Calabasas Road, Calabasas.
(11:30am - 1:30pm).
The topic will be the
May 2009 California Budget
Propositions. Tom
Campbell will give an
analysis of the Propositions
and what they mean to
California taxpayers.
If you are interested in
attending, please RSVP to
New Location for RPLAC |
The San Fernando Valley new
home to the Republican Party of
Los Angeles County
Effective April 1, 2009, the
new home of the County
Republican Party will be
7120 Hayenhurst Avenue,
Suite 308, Van Nuys, CA
We will get you the new
phone number as soon as we
have it.
New Health Insurance Bill |
- Fletcher - Jones
The following bill co-sponsored
by Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher,
and supported by Insurance
Commissioner Steve Poizner is a
bill which should be supported
by all. It provides important
benefits to Californians. Let
you legislator know that you
support AB 23.
New legislation would pave
the way for Californians who
are laid off from small
businesses to obtain
financial assistance for
health-insurance premiums.
Assembly Bill 23 was
unveiled at a news
conference Tuesday by
Dave Jones,
D-Sacramento, and by
Nathan Fletcher,
R-San Diego, with state
Insurance Commissioner
Steve Poizner
participating by telephone.
"Quick passage of this bill
is critical in order to meet
the health care needs of
California families," Jones
The federal government
currently offers to pay 65
percent of the premium for
workers who were laid off
after Sept. 1, retained
health-care benefits
formerly provided by their
employer, and who worked for
businesses with a work force
of 20 or more. The aid is
available for nine months.
AB 23 would allow workers
laid off from smaller firms,
employing two to 19
employees, to be eligible
for the subsidy. The state
would not be required to
continue the program once
federal stimulus funds run
The bill also requires
health-care providers and
insurers to notify eligible
families about the federal
Fletcher said the
legislation is crucial in a
year of economic recession,
with the state's
unemployment rate topping 10
"Californians are hurting
right now," he said.
"Everybody knows somebody
who has been laid off," he
"It's just good economic
policy to make sure that as
many people as possible have
access to health insurance,"
Poizner added.
Jones and Fletcher are
chairman and vice chairman,
respectively, of the
Assembly Health Committee,
which approved AB 23 without
a dissenting vote Tuesday
To take effect immediately,
AB 23 must be passed by
two-thirds of each
legislative house and signed
by Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger, whose office
said Tuesday that he has not
taken a position on the bill
but supports using federal
stimulus funds to help
unemployed Californians
retain health insurance.
Political Memorabilia Show -
April 19 |
Memorabilia Collectors
For those of you who collect
political memorabilia, there
will be a show on April 19th at
10100 Balboa Blvd in Granada
Hills, CA, from 10:00am to
Political memorabilia is very
hot. Lincoln memorabilia
from the 1860's as well as 1909
are very popular. This year
marks the 200th anniversary of
Lincoln's birth. We will also
have many items from
other Republican
candidates including US Grant,
Benjamin Harrison, Wiliam
McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt,
William Taft, Calvin Coolidge,
Dwight Eisenhower, Richard
Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and the
Bush's. We will have 30+ sales
and display tables.
SFVRC Business Roster |
Do Business with fellow
In these tough economic times we
have decided to help each other
out economically.
We are preparing a business
roster of Republicans for SFVRC
members. This will be merged
with a county-wide business
directory that is being prepared
by LA County Republican Clubs.
We are encouraging all of our
members to patronize the
businesses of our fellow members
and Republicans. If you need
goods and services, why not have
them provided by your fellow
For those of you who would like
to have your business listed in
our business directory, please
send an email to:
Provide your name, the name and
street address of your business,
your business phone number, your
business web site address, and
your email address. Also
provide a description of the
services you provide or the type
of goods you sell.
We would like to publish this
directory by May, so please send
in your information. Send an
email to
business@sfvrc.org with the
above information.
SFVRC Calendar of Events
New Active Calendar of
Republican and Club Events
have now set up a Google
Calendar on our club web site.
The calendar is regularly
maintained and includes not only
events of SFVRC but many other
Republican events in the area.
Organizations wanting their
information included, please
send the info to me by email.
To access the calendar, go to
http://www.sfvrc.org and
click on "Calendar" on the menu,
or go to:
The calendar is in monthly mode
by default, but you can click on
"week" to see the calendar by
the week. If you click on any
event it will open up and give
you details. The calendar can
also be printed.