Dear Gary,
The next meeting of the
Fernando Valley Republican Club will
be on
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 7:00pm at
Ford, 15555 Roscoe Blvd (just east of
the 405), 2nd Floor Meeting Room, North
There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first
time visitors, students and guest speakers
who may attend at no cost.
We will have two speakers. Former
Steve Kuykendall, a member of John
McCain's California Leadership Team, will
speak to us and answer questions about
McCain and his campaign for
We will also have the pleasure of having
Tom Del Becarro,
Chairman of the California Republican Party
speak to us on the subject,
"Taxing Away our Prosperity."
Featured Speaker: Tom Del Beccaro, CRP
Vice Chairman
"Taxing Away our Prosperity"
PoliticalVanguard.com Publisher
Tom Del
Beccaro is the author of the book
The New Conservative Paradigm
published in the fall of 2007. He was
elected Vice Chair of the California
Republican party in February of 2007.
Tom is a
frequent radio talk show guest. Tom is also
seen from time to time on Fox News, KTVU,
In 2005,
Tom was elected without opposition to
President of the California Republican
Party's County Chairman 's Association,
which represents all of the county
Republican parties in California . In that
role, Tom also served as a member of the
Board of Directors of the California
Republican Party for the last two years. He
is the current Chair of the CRP's Strategic
Planning Committee and the Volunteer
Committee. Tom also sits on the Operations
and Budget Committees.
served as the Chairman of the Contra Costa
Republican Party for five years. He was
unanimously elected to 3 consecutive terms
as chair of that county party. Under Tom's
leadership, Contra Costa has led the state
among large counties in Republican turnout.
Tom is also the founder of the Walnut Creek
Law Firm, Del Beccaro, Hornsby & Blake.
Visit the web site of
Congressman Steve Kuykendall
Who is Senator John McCain?
Congressman Steve Kuykendall is a member of
the California Leadership Team of the John
McCain campaign. He will sp eak
to us about Sen. John McCain.
He will talk about Sen. McCain's positions
on the issues, his programs and plans when
elected President. Cong. Kuykendall will
also answer questions relating to Sen.
McCain and the campaign and will make clear
that electing John McCain as President is
critically important to the survival of
America as we know it.
John McCain is the presumptive Republican
candidate for U.S. President. We will need
to do everything we can to see that he wins
the election in November. The more
information we have about him the more we
can effectively support his election.
here for Sen. McCain's website.
Republican Jewish Coalition |
Summer Celebration at the Reagan Library
Please join The California Chapter of the
Jewish Coalition on
June 29th for our
2008 Annual
Summer Celebration at the
Reagan Presidential Library & Museum
featuring: Nationally Syndicated Radio
Talk-Show Host
This year
we will be in the Air Force One Pavilion!
Tickets are
$180.00 per person, with payment in advance
Please call
the RJC CA office - 310-478-0752 to RSVP and
purchase your tickets for the event of the
Also, save the date:
9, 2008 when the San Fernando Valley
Republican Club will join with the
Republican Jewish Coalition to present a
joint event at the Sportsmen's Lodge.
It will be
a RJC/GOP grass-roots educational event with
political expert Arnold Steinberg and an ice
cream party!
CRP Chairman Ron Nehring |
John McCain's Economic Plans
SACRAMENTO - California Republican Party
Chairman today issued the
following statement concerning Senator
John McCain's economic plans and
the California economy:
"Senator John McCain showed again today that
he understands the economic challenges
facing the nation and the people of
California. Senator McCain wants to bring
stability to our economy and encourage job
growth through business expansion. It's
clear that John McCain not only gets the
problem, he gets the solution too.
stands in stark contrast to Senator Barack
Obama's pledge to swell government spending
while increasing income taxes, social
security taxes, and taxes on retirement
savings. Obama's policies will only burden
hard-working families and lead California to
financial ruin. Obama has already voted for
a federal budget that would raise taxes on
those earning as little as $31,850; it is
clear that the policies of Barack Obama will
keep the American Dream out of reach of
millions of Americans.
Presidency doesn't allow for on the job
training. In these uncertain times, we need
someone with proven leadership, experience,
and a clear understanding of the challenges
facing our business community in California
and around the nation."
Visit the