Dear Gary,
The next meeting of the San Fernando Valley Republican
Club will be on
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 7:00pm at
Galpin Ford, 15555
Roscoe Blvd (just east of the 405), 2nd Floor
Meeting Room, North Hills. There is a $5.00 event fee,
except for first time visitors, students and guest
speakers who may attend at no cost.
Genevieve Peters
will be our featured speaker on March 4th.
We will also have some of the candidates running for
office in the Valley appear at the meeting and give a
short statement of their qualifications and program and
be available for your questions. They may also need
signatures on their nomination petitions.
Creating an Oasis for Learning in our Schools |
Genevieve Peters
Genevieve Peters
has accomplished amazing success with her program for
instilling civility, personal responsibility and manners
in the classroom. As she says, she is creating an
"oasis for learning."
Genevieve Peters, founder of
Peters Procedures "The Character
FoundationStudents Need to Succeed" is an
award-winning California credentialedteacher born
and raised in Detroit, Michigan.
After she earned her teaching credential from
California State University,Long Beach in 1992, she
was deeply troubled by the lack of respect and
academic ability in today's classrooms. Most of her
students had severe
deficits in academic focus, personal responsibility
and manners. Determinedto reach and teach her
students she developed a comprehensive framework
that instilled core foundational skills of academic
focus, self discipline,
leadership and good ol' fashioned manners in her
students. Genevieve knewchildren craved success,
they just had to be taught the behaviors that lead
to it.
We all know Genevieve as a conservative activist. Come
to our meeting and hear about her work and her ability
to transform undisciplined students into model
citizens. It is an amazing story.
Visit her
web site to find out more about her procedures and
come to the meeting on March 4th to hear more about this
transformational program that will change the
educational process as we know it today. |
Republican Party of Los Angeles County Fundraiser |
Honoring Civic Leader Virginia "Ginie Braun and
Featured Speaker; Hon. Steve Poizner, California
Insurance Commissioner.
On the same night as our March meeting, March 4th, the
Republican Party of Los
Angeles County is having its annual
dinner/fundraiser at the Jonathan Club, Downtown LA.
The seats are $250.00 per person. It should be a
wonderful event and the proceeds will provide the LA
County Party with funds to carry out its work in
supporting candidates during the 2008 election cycle.
here for a copy of the invitation.
If you are able to attend the RPLAC dinner, I am
encouraging you to do that rather than coming to the
SFVRC meeting, because the cause is important. The
County Party needs funds to do its Get Out the Vote
program, and to support regional headquarters for the
2008 campaign. For those of you who aren't able to go
to the RPLAC dinner, come to the SFVRC meeting.
The Republican Buck & Ballot Brigade |
50th Anniversary Celebration
Buck and Ballot Brigade is a political action
committee that raises money for the 43rd Assembly
District. It is one of the oldest organizations in Los
Angeles County and serves the Glendale/Burbank area and
surrounding communities.
The Buck and Ballot Brigade has been very supportive of
Republican causes in Los Angeles County, especially in
the San Fernando Valley. I encourage everyone to
support the Buck and Ballot Brigade by attending their
50th Anniversary celebration.
Join with our Honorary Host Committee
Congressman David Dreier
Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon
Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel
Senator George Runner
Supervisor Mike Antonovich
Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine
former Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy
our Republican candidate for the 29th Congressional
District, Charles Hahn
our Republican candidate for the 43rd Assembly District,
Jane Barnett
former Congressman Steven Kuykendall will be
representing Senator John McCain
and Araceli Gonzalez will be representing Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger
---and the list continues to grow
as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the
Republican Buck and Ballot Brigade on
Thursday evening, March 27th
at the Oakmont Country Club
I will be sending out
more information when I receive it. This is just a
"save the date" notice. |