Our next meeting will be on
Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 at
7:00pm at
Galpin Ford, 15555 Roscoe Blvd
(just east of the 405), 2nd Floor
Meeting Room, North Hills. There is a
$5.00 event fee, except for first time
visitors, students and guest speakers
who may attend at no cost.
Richard A. McDonald will be our
featured speaker.
We will also have a special presentation
by Eldon
Quick on the Star Spangled
Banner. Eldon is a member of the 42nd
Assembly District Central Committee, and
is the 2nd Vice President of the
California Republican Women and Men.
Richard A. McDonald - The "Rise-up"
to Make the Poor Rich
Author Dick McDonald introduces the
"Rise Up Theory of Economics" which does
for the poor
and middle-class in America
what "Trickle Down" has done for the
rich. He explains why centuries of
taking from the rich and giving to the
poor has not made the poor richer.
For the poorest it has merely made them
a dependent class; for ordinary
Americans their hard work ends up in the
pocket of the rich or as taxes
confiscated by their government. Get his
new e-book
"Make the Poor Rich and America
Wealthier" free by clicking
It illustrates a better way for
America and Americans to grow
richer socially and economically.
Dick has been a long-time member of
SFVRC and with his economic and
accounting background breaks into new
territory with his plan for making the
poor rich (and therefore not dependent
on the left).
This should be an interesting
discussion. You can find out more about
Dick's theory by going to his
web site. |
Lores Rizkalla is back on the air |
nights at 10:00pm, KRLA 870AM
Lores Rizkalla is now broadcasting
on KRLA 870 AM on
nights. Lores is a member of our
club and is a conservative voice on
the airwaves.
This Sunday night Lores will have
Kevin James, conservative talk show
host as her guest. In order to keep
Lores on the air we need to help her
by sponsoring her show. Those of us
who have businesses should contact
Lores so she can explain the very
reasonable cost of sponsoring her
Lores will also be on a panel of
radio talk show hosts at the
California Republican Party in
Indian Wells, September 7-9th. Be
sure and tune in. You can also hear
her show on her
website, where you can also
contact her.
Upcoming Conferences and Conventions
CRP Convention
Please join fellow California
Republicans for a
"Weekend in the Desert"
at the
California Republican Party State
September 7-9, 2007
Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa
Indian Wells, CA
Five Republican Governors will speak at
the Convention
Go to the
CRP Web Site
for more information
Many of our members
are attending. Are you?
Western States Leadership
September 20 - 23, 2007
Join Us in Beautiful San
for the
Western States Leadership Conference
September 20 - 23, 2007
San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
San Diego, CA
"Taking on the Challenge of the New
Together with
Our Invited Presidential Hopefuls
Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore,
Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Duncan
Hunter, John McCain, Ron Paul, Mitt
Romney, Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson,
Tommy Thompson
"Winning the New West in 2008"
Western CPAC Conference
October 12-13, Newport
Western CPAC has
confirmed the dates and location
for a conference to help educate
and renew conservative advocacy
in the Western states,
especially California. Our
conference will have a special
theme of
"Preserving the Reagan Legacy,"
and we are delighted that radio
talk show host
Michael Reagan has agreed
to serve as General Chairman of
this year's Western CPAC!
Especially given the public
policy issues to be raised
during California's new early
presidential primary in
February, 2008, we expect an
exciting time ahead for public
policy organizations and
advocates on the West Coast.
Western CPAC
does not endorse candidates for
office. However, all the GOP
candidates for president will be
invited to speak and will be
featured at either one of the
two evening banquets or the
Saturday luncheon, and at
non-meal Saturday "breakout"
sessions as time allows.
There are only
600 people who will be able to
attend. This is the western
version of the CPAC conference
which took place a couple of
months ago in Washington, DC. I
encourage you to make your
reservation early, or they may
be sold out. Go the
Western CPAC web site
to make your reservation.
Move America Forward |
Fight for Victory Tour
Americans who support our troops and
their missions in Operation Iraqi
Freedom will conduct a nationwide
pro-troop caravan along with 27-pro
troop rallies along the way from
September 3rd - 15th.
The nation's largest grassroots,
pro-troop organization,
Move America Forward will
lead thousands of supporters in this
cross-country effort called the "FIGHT
FOR VICTORY TOUR." At each rally stop
we will also be collecting from you
cards and letters of support to take to
our wounded warriors at military medical
facilities where our brave troops are
recovering from war injuries. You
can also mail in your cards/letters for
the wounded warriors to our MAF
headquarters in Sacramento before the
caravan departs.
The tour will be in Los Angeles on
Tuesday, September 4th at Griffith
Park. 3:15 PM - Los Angeles, CA
Pro-Troop Rally & News Conference
Griffith Park - 4730 Crystal Springs
Dr [Pad D]
Let's all come out at 3:15 to meet
the tour and join in the Support the
Troops Rally at Griffith Park.
Then, come to the SFVRC meeting at