Our next meeting will be on
Tuesday, August 7th, 2007
at 7:00pm at Galpin Ford, 15555
Roscoe Blvd (just east of the
405), 2nd Floor Meeting Room,
North Hills. There is a $5.00
event fee, except for first time
visitors, students and guest
speakers who may attend at no
Evan Sayet will be our
featured speaker. |
Evan Sayet: Regurgitating
the Apple |
How modern liberals "think"
Evan Sayet
has been a top Hollywood
writer and producer for more
than 20 years. His credits
range from "The Arsenio Hall
Show" to "Politically
Incorrect." After the Sept.
11 attacks, Sayet decided to
step from behind the camera
and speak out in his own
voice - that of one of the
nation's top political
satirists. His entertaining
yet quite serious lecture
will examine the modern
liberal "mindset" and how it
can lead to siding with evil
over good and behaviors that
produce failure rather than
Evan Sayet is a long time
member of the San Fernando
Valley Republican Club and
we welcome hearing an update
of the talk he gave to The
Heritage Foundation last
John Kanaley - Candidate for
Congress |
37th Congressional District
John Kanaley is running for
Congress in the 37th
Congressional District. The
election will be held on
August 21st.
Because of the low
Democratic turnout and
general apathy on the part
of Democrats, John can win
this seat if we can get at
least a 40% turnout of
Republicans in the
district. We need
volunteers to make phone
calls from their home and
volunteers who will go down
to Long Beach on the
weekends and walk precincts
for John.
Let me know if you are
willing to make phone
calls. I have phone lists
that I will send you. We
need to make a major effort
to win this seat for John.
It will change the dynamics
of the House of
Representatives. We can win
it, but we need you to make
phone calls and to walk
precincts. Please contact
me and let me know that you
will help this fine
Republican candidate win
this seat.
For more information, go to
John Kanaley's web site.
RNHA Family Picnic -
Saturday, July 28th |
National Hispanic Assembly
Invites you
Saturday, July 28, 2007
10am to 4pm
Republican National Hispanic
of Greater Los Angeles
Family Picnic
Henry Acuna Park
1700 W. Victoria,
Montebello, CA
Bring your barbeques, food
and beverage, blankets &
We have a reserved area,
and there is no entry
fee -
bring everything you
will need!
A $5 per family donation
is requested to defray
the permit cost.
Please rsvp by Thursday,
July 26, 2007 to
Upcoming Conferences and
CRP Convention
Please join fellow
California Republicans for a
"Weekend in the Desert"
at the
California Republican
Party State Convention
September 7-9, 2007
Renaissance Esmeralda Resort &
Indian Wells, CA
Go to the
CRP Web Site
for more information
Western States Leadership
September 20 - 23, 2007

Join Us in Beautiful
San Diego
for the
Western States Leadership
September 20 - 23, 2007
San Diego Marriott Hotel &
San Diego, CA
"Taking on the Challenge of
the New West"
Together with
Our Invited Presidential
Sam Brownback, Jim
Gilmore, Rudy Giuliani, Mike
Huckabee, Duncan Hunter,
John McCain, Ron Paul, Mitt
Romney, Tom Tancredo, Fred
Thompson, Tommy Thompson
"Winning the New West in
Western CPAC
October 12-13,
Newport Beach
Western CPAC has
confirmed the dates and
location for a
conference to help
educate and renew
conservative advocacy in
the Western states,
especially California.
Our conference will have
a special theme of
"Preserving the Reagan
Legacy," and we
are delighted that radio
talk show host
Michael Reagan
has agreed to serve as
General Chairman of this
year's Western CPAC!
Especially given the
public policy issues to
be raised during
California's new early
presidential primary in
February, 2008, we
expect an exciting time
ahead for public policy
organizations and
advocates on the West
Western CPAC does not
endorse candidates for
office. However, all the
GOP candidates for
president will be
invited to speak and
will be featured at
either one of the two
evening banquets or the
Saturday luncheon, and
at non-meal Saturday
"breakout" sessions as
time allows.
There are only 600
people who will be able
to attend. This is the
western version of the
CPAC conference which
took place a couple of
months ago in
Washington, DC. I
encourage you to make
your reservation early,
or they may be sold
out. Go the
Western CPAC web site
to make your
The Victory Caucus
out what is going on in Iraq
The new
Victory Caucus web site has
been launched.
You want facts about Iraq? Here
are the facts.
You want metrics --the Victory
Caucus has the metrics.
It also has the latest from the
military as well as the key
opinion-driven articles.
This past Monday,
The Victory Caucus
re-launched with a major
redesign that brings us closer
to our vision of being a
one-stop-shop for concerned
citizens to understand what is
really going on with our war
effort. The site now includes
automatic aggregation of
official US sources like
MNF-Iraq, DoD, and CENTCOM, as
well as key bloggers who are
reporting from Iraq like Michael
Yon and Michael Totten. The
entire site is enabled with a
powerful mapping/charting
package, which allows us to
present information in
interesting and visually
appealing ways. See, for
this map of major operations.
Additionally, we now have a
library of official documents
(weekly State Department status
reports; transcripts of DoD
briefings, etc.) --- all of
which, along with the core
content of the site, are tied in
with a search engine.
If you want to know what is
really happening in Iraq, go to
Victory Caucus.
The Victory Caucus is a crucial
bookmark for assuring that all
that information is easily
available inone place.
City on the Hill - Saul Rios
Youth Leadership Conference
The San Fernando Valley
Republican Club sponsored
our member, Saul Rios, 15
years old, to attend the
City on the Hill Youth
Leadership Conference in
Sacramento this month. City on
the Hill is a youth leadership
conference that teaches young
people how to be leaders.
From the
City on the Hill web site,
the program's goals are:
- To teach students how
our government works and to
help them discover what it
takes to be the leaders of
- To promote a strong
sense of moral and civic
responsibilities based on
the Judeo-Christian ethic.
- To encourage students to
make friends with other
teens who share similar
values and convictions.
SFVRC will sponsor a teen-ager
each year to attend the City on
the Hill Conference. |