Dear Friend,
Our next meeting will be
July 3rd, 2007 at
7:00pm at Galpin Ford,
15555 Roscoe Blvd (just
east of the 405), 2nd
Floor Meeting Room,
North Hills. There is a
$5.00 event fee, except
for first time visitors,
students and guest
speakers who may attend
at no cost.
Bruce Sievers
will be our featured
speaker. |
Featured Speaker:
Bruce Sievers |
Proud to be an
Bruce Sievers
will talk about
America. His
presentation is
An American in Love
with his Country.
He has been invited
to the White House
to present his
program for
Presidents Gerald
Ford, Jimmy Carter,
Ronald Reagan and
George Bush.
President Ronald
Reagan, along with
the Freedoms
Foundation at Valley
Forge, awarded him
the George
Washington Medal of
Honor for his
entitled "An
American in Love
with his Country."
He is an author who
has published five
books and has just
completed a
screenplay. He was
a green beret in the
Army and is a
devoted husband and
father of five
boys. All this he
has accomplished by
his unabashed
advocacy of a single
theme....the joy of
being an American.
Austin Dragon - Whats at
GOP Disunity only
equals another President
Austin Dragon,
President of the
Southern California
Republican Club will
talk to us about
what is going on in
the Republican Party
and what we can do
about it to unify
the party for the
2008 election
campaign. Topics
- Suicidal
behavior of our
President and
other GOP
- The
justified anger
of the GOP Base
- The
abandonment of
the Party by
some of the GOP
- Talk doesn't
equal solutions
- Worst case:
Another Clinton
slithers into
the White House.
RPLAC Honors Bert
Boeckmann and Mike
Antonovich |
Annual RPLAC Dinner -
June 28th
Thursday, June 28th,
the Republican Party
of Los Angeles
County will have its
annual dinner
honoring important
Republicans in Los
Angeles County at
the Beverly Hilton
Hotel in Beverly
Hills. Reception at
6:00pm, Dinner at
This year the honorees
Jane and Bert Boeckmann
Supervisor Mike
Antonovich. The
Boeckmann's will be
presented their honor by
Elliott Broidy
and Mike Antonovich will
be presented by
Sheriff Lee Baca.
Hon. Richard J. Riordan
will be the keynote
speaker. Also speaking
will be
Jim Hirsen,
columnist at NewsMax.com.
Actor and Director
Robert Davi will
be a Special Guest
here for an
invitation which you can
print out, fill out and
fax to the number
I encourage everyone to
attend this special
event. The funds raised
at this dinner will
enable RPLAC to carry
out its Get Out The Vote
program for the next
year, as well as its
program to grow the
Republican Party. Both
programs are essential
to the success of the
Republican Party in Los
Angeles County.
Humberto Fontova -
June 26th

Please join us on
Tuesday, June 26, to
Humberto Fontova
discuss his latest
"Exposing the real
Che Guevara and the
Useful Idiots who
idolize him."
Fontova fled Cuba in
1961, at the age of
seven, with his
family. Fontova
holds a B.A. in
political science
from the University
of New Orleans and a
master's degree in
Latin American
studies from Tulane
University. He is a
frequent commentator
on both English- and
Spanish- language
media and is the
author of four
books, including
Fidel: Hollywood's
Favorite Tyrant.
Fontova is a
journalist who
currently resides
with his family in
the New Orleans
The event will take
place at Galpin
Ford, 15555 Roscoe,
2nd Floor Meeting
Room at 7:00pm on
Tuesday, June 26th.
Admission is $10.00
for SFVRC members,
$25.00 for
Lores Rizkalla Event
- June 25th
Private Reception
Lores Rizkalla, a
conservative talk radio
show host will be having
a private reception on
June 25th to raise funds
to enable her to go back
on the air on KRLA. The
reception is limited to
100 people who will
contribute $100 each.
There will be
entertainment, and the
honorary chair of the
evening is Dennis Prager.

We encourage everyone to
attend the reception on
Monday, June 25th at
7:00pm. You can RSVP to
(310) 365-7839 or to
rsvp@loreslive.com. The
reception will be in Bel
Air. You will receive
the address upon receipt
of your RSVP. For a
copy of the invitation,
RJC Event - July 8th at
Reagan Library
Summer Celebration
Please come join The
Republican Jewish
Coalition of California
Sunday, July 8th
for our 2007 Annual
Summer Celebration at
the Ronald Reagan
Presidential Library &
Museum featuring
Jewish Refusnik hero,
former Member of
Knesset, and
Presidential Medal of
Freedom Award Honoree
Natan Sharansky, and
dynamic national radio
talk show host and
author Hugh Hewitt.
The event is shaping up
to be a very special
affair featuring:
3:00-4:45 PM - Tour the
Museum & Air Force One
4:45 PM - Hors D'Oeuvres
5:45 PM - Gourmet Kosher
Dinner & Program
Museum and Gift Shop
close at 5:00 PM, so
please arrive in time to
enjoy the facility.
$125.00 Per Person.
Payment in Advance Only!
Please call the RJC
CA office to RSVP and
purchase your tickets
for the event of the
year. 310-478-0752
Western CPAC
12-13, Newport Beach
Western CPAC has
confirmed the dates
and location for a
conference to help
educate and renew
advocacy in the
Western states,
California. Our
conference will have
a special theme of
"Preserving the
Reagan Legacy,"
and we are delighted
that radio talk show
host Michael Reagan
has agreed to serve
as General Chairman
of this year's
Western CPAC!
Especially given the
public policy issues
to be raised during
California's new
early presidential
primary in February,
2008, we expect an
exciting time ahead
for public policy
organizations and
advocates on the
West Coast.
Western CPAC does
not endorse
candidates for
office. However, all
the GOP candidates
for president will
be invited to speak
and will be featured
at either one of the
two evening banquets
or the Saturday
luncheon, and at
non-meal Saturday
"breakout" sessions
as time allows.
There are only
600 people who will
be able to attend.
This is the western
version of the CPAC
conference which
took place a couple
of months ago in
Washington, DC. I
encourage you to
make your
reservation early,
or they may be sold
out. Go the
Western CPAC web
to make your