San Fernando Valley Republican Club
Announcements |
January 17, 2007 |
Dear Gary,
Welcome everyone to this first newsletter of
2007. We have some great activities, programs
and speakers for the coming year, and we look
forward to your participation with us in growing
the Republican Party in the San Fernando Valley
and Los Angeles County.
The next meeting of the San Fernando Valley
Republican Club will be on Tuesday, February
6, 2007 at 7:00pm at Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor
Meeting Room, 15555 Roscoe Blvd. (just east of
the 405), North Hills.
Featured Speaker - Rabbi Shifren
Rabbi Nachum Shifren
Rabbi Nachum Shifren is going to
speak to us about his experiences as a
teacher in the LA Unified School
District. Rabbi Shifren has written a
book called, "Kill your Teacher." "Kill
your Teacher" examines, exposes, and
places the blame for corruption and
racism in Los Angeles City Schools. This
is a terrifying narrative about an
orthodox Jewish rabbi's fight for
civility and academic standards in the
classroom- all in a climate of death
threats, assaults, and verbal abuse.
Scholars and researchers are welcome to
request specific memoranda and letters
from Dorsey High School administrators
and UTLA union representatives in the
most egregious instances of harassment
and "cultural diversity."
Rabbi Nachum Shifren is a Southern
California native. A disciplined
athlete, competitive swimmer, runner and
triathlete, he served for 10 years as a
Los Angeles County Lifeguard and
received a commendation from the Mayor
for lifesaving water rescue. At the
outbreak of the Yom Kippur War he became
a kibbutz volunteer, and in 1977
emigrated to Israel. Shifren served in
the Israeli Defense Forces and received
a degree in Combat Fitness Training at
the prestigious Machon Wingate Institute
for Sports in Netanya, Israel. Shifren
received a Bachelor of Arts degree from
UC Santa Barbara in Spanish and German
Literature. He continued graduate
studies in West Germany at the
University of Goettingen. Rabbi Shifren
is a language teacher and is fluent in
Spanish, German, Hebrew and Yiddish.
Rabbi Shifren lives in Los Angeles and
Israel. He is actively involved in
physical fitness training, surfing and
water safety. He continues to publish,
lecture and teach and is known worldwide
as "The Surfing Rabbi."
Senate to limit Freedom of Speech
Sec. 220 of Senate Bill 1 (S. 1) must be
The Senate is considering legislation
that would regulate grassroots
communications, with penalties for
critics of Congress.
While the intent of the bill is to
reduce the influence of lobbyists, and
to reduce the ability of legislators
from being able to take financial
payoffs, Section 220 of the bill affects
grassroots activists, like our group.
"In what sounds like a comedy sketch
from Jon Stewart's Daily Show, but
isn't, the U. S. Senate would impose
criminal penalties, even jail time, on
grassroots causes and citizens who
criticize Congress," says Richard A.
Viguerie, chairman of
Section 220 of S. 1, the lobbying
reform bill before the Senate, would
require grassroots causes, even bloggers,
who communicate to 500 or more members
of the public on policy matters, to
register and report quarterly to
Congress, as lobbyists are required.
The Senate passed an amendment on the
bill Jan. 9 to create criminal
penalties, including up to one year in
jail, if someone "knowingly and
willingly fails to file or report."
Last weekend, Sen. Bob Bennett,
R-Utah, introduced an amendment to
remove the bill's controversial section.
Co-sponsors of Bennett's amendment
are Sens. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Jon
Kyl, R-Ariz., and John Cornyn, R-Texas.
We should communicate our support to
Sens. Bennett, McConnell, Kyl and Cornyn.
You can also let Sens. Feinstein and
Boxer know your position, but I don't
think that will have much affect.
We will present our program to grow our club and our
Party at the meeting. James Pavik, Chairman of the Political
Activism Committee and David Hernandez, Chairman of the
Public Relations Committee will make their reports, and
there may be additional speakers on current issues.
It will be another exciting evening at the San Fernando
Valley Republican Club, and we hope you will attend.

Gary Aminoff, President
San Fernando Valley Republican Club
Phone: (310)387-6900
Fax: (310)201-4311