Featured Speaker - Nonie Darwish, Author
of "Now they call me Infidel"
Born in Cairo, Nonie was later raised
in the Gaza Strip. In the 1950s, Egypt
occupied Gaza and Gamal Abdel Nasser,
who later became Egypt's president,
appointed her father to lead the
fedayeen guerilla operations, whose sole
mission was to destroy Israel. As Nasser
rallied the Arab world to wipe out the
Jewish State, Arabs throughout the
Middle East flooded into Gaza to join
the fedayeen headed by Nonie's father,
Lt. Col. Mustafa Hafaz. The fedayeen
became the model for modern terrorist
Growing up in an environment of
intense hatred, Nonie witnessed
firsthand the death and destruction
Fedayeen operations caused. By attending
Gaza elementary schools, she and her
siblings were indoctrinated in
anti-Semitism at an early age.
Nonie's story is one of enlightenment
and transformation as she worked for a
Middle-East news agency and traveled
abroad, eventually moving to the United
States where she realized how much she
became indoctrinated and had to speak
Nonie is married and the mother of
three children. She is a freelance
writer, public speaker and an
interpreter. Her articles have been
published in the U.S. and international
media and she lectures regularly,
bringing her positive message and call
for change to audiences across the
Nonie has recently written a book,
"Now they call me Infidel", and will
bring copies of her book to the meeting
if anyone wants to purchase a copy. She
also is featured in the video,
"Obsession". If you haven't yet seen
it, I urge you to do so before the
January meeting.
This will be a lively meeting
discussing the Middle-East, Islam, the
naivete of the Left, and the real threat
to America, Israel and Western
Civilization. Don't miss it.