The December meeting will be an informative and outstanding one. It is the first post-election meeting for 2006.

I want to thank each of you who gave so selflessly of your time, effort and passion in the election. We know you worked hard and I am sorry the results weren't different. Those of you who were volunteers in the campaign should plan on attending our January meeting, where Certificates of Appreciation will be presented to you.

The December meeting will be at 7:00pm at Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 15555 Roscoe Blvd, North Hills.

Featured Speaker - Stephen Frank

Steve Frank is the publisher of the must-read California Political News and Views. Stephen is a past-President of the California Republican Assembly and a political consultant.

Steve will bring us his insight into the meaning of the results of the last election and what it is we should be doing for the next two years. Steve's knowledge of California politics is extraordinary.

Visit California Political News and Views

Elections for 2007 Officers

Elections for the 2007 Officers for SFVRC will be held at the December 5th meeting. Our By-Laws provide that the Nominating Committee present to the body a slate of recommended officers. Additional nominations may be made from the floor, provided the candidate is present, or has given his permission in writing to be nominated. A vote will then be taken for each office.

The recommended slate presented by the Nominating Committee to the body at the November, 2006 meeting for the officers for 2007 are:


President: Gary Aminoff
Vice President: David Hernandez
Secretary: Karen Shapiro
Treasurer: Chris Pavik

Committee Chairmen:

Political Activism Committee: Jim Pavik
Public Relations Committee: David Hernandez
Youth Activities and Recruitment Committee: Saul Rios and Rick Schilf (Co-chairmen)

This will be another great meeting of the San Fernando Valley Republican Club. I look forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting on Tuesday, December 5th.