Elections for 2007 Officers
Elections for the 2007 Officers for SFVRC
will be held at the December 5th meeting.
Our By-Laws provide that the Nominating
Committee present to the body a slate of
recommended officers. Additional nominations
may be made from the floor, provided the
candidate is present, or has given his
permission in writing to be nominated. A
vote will then be taken for each office.
The recommended slate presented by the
Nominating Committee to the body at the
November, 2006 meeting for the officers for
2007 are:
President: Gary Aminoff
Vice President: David Hernandez
Secretary: Karen Shapiro
Treasurer: Chris Pavik
Committee Chairmen:
Political Activism Committee:
Jim Pavik
Public Relations Committee: David
Youth Activities and Recruitment
Committee: Saul Rios and Rick Schilf