General Membership Meeting
Dear Gary,
We have planned an outstanding meeting, with an
featured speaker and a presentation from the
Victory '06 Campaign on Tuesday, August 1,
The meeting will be at 7:00pm at Galpin Ford, 2nd
Floor Meeting Room, 15555 Roscoe Blvd, North Hills.
Featured Speaker - Brad Dacus, President of Pacific Justice Institute
Brad Dacus served as Legislative Assistant to U.S.
Senator Phil Gramm, and went on to receive his Juris
Doctorate from the University of Texas School of
Law. For the next five years, Mr. Dacus coordinated
religious freedom and parental rights cases
throughout the Western states. In 1997, Mr. Dacus
founded Pacific Justice Institute, where he serves as
President and continues to defend religious liberties
and parental rights. The Pacific Justice Institute has
a network of approximately a thousand volunteer
affiliate attorneys and handles more cases on the
West Coast than any other organization of its kind.
Brad Dacus has been a guest speaker on numerous
radio and television programs, participates weekly in
several radio talk show interviews, and has appeared
on ABC's "Good Morning America," "The Today
Show," "CNN," "Hannity and Colmes," "News Talk
TV," "MSNBC," "NBC News," NBC "Dateline" and
the "O'Reilly Factor."
Mr. Dacus' varied public speaking opportunities
include public debate, on two occasions, against the
President of the ACLU, and on another occasion, he
debated the President of "Americans United for
Separation of Church and State." He has testified
numerous times before the California State
Legislature on legislation affecting religious freedom
and parents' rights. Mr. Dacus continues to speak
regularly at churches, conferences and conventions
throughout the United States.
Learn more about The Pacific Justice Institute
Success in November - The Victory '06 Campaign
We now have to gear up for the November campaign
to re-elect Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the
whole Victory '06 Team of Tom McClintock, Bruce
McPherson, Chuck Poochigian, Steve Poizner, Tony
Strickland and Dick Mountjoy, as well as the rest of
the "down-ticket" Republican candidates.
The Victory '06 Campaign has developed new
technology to
microtarget probable voters. The strategy and
technology of the 2006 program will be presented by
Bill Christiansen, Executive Director of the Victory '06
campaign. I have seen the presentation and it is
truly remarkable.
The efforts of our volunteers in the San Fernando
Valley will have a significant effect on the whole
statewide election. Everyone should attend this
presentation to find out we can win this election in
the fall.
Join Arnold and the Victory '06 Team
Republicans for Rational Reform
David Hernandez, Chairman of Republicans for
Rational Reform is going to talk to us about AB1381 -
the bill to let Antonio Villaraigosa take over the
LAUSD and what we need to do to prevent it from
becoming law.
We will also have some discussion on Proposition
83, "Jessica's Law", and Proposition 85, Parental
Republicans for Rational Reform
This will be another great meeting of the San
Fernando Valley Republican Club. I look forward to
seeing all of you at the next meeting on Tuesday,
August 1st.

Gary Aminoff, President
San Fernando Valley Republican Club
(310) 387-6900