General Membership Meeting
Dear Gary,
JULY 12, 2006.
We have a great meeting, with an outstanding
planned for Wednesday, July 12, 2006.
The meeting will be at 7:00pm at Galpin Ford, 2nd
Floor Meeting Room, 15555 Roscoe Blvd, North Hills.
Featured Speaker - Bill Whittle
Bill Whittle is one of my favorite writers. I love
read his material on his web site,
Example: "Islamicist terror
masters are about to go nuclear, and an army of
foreign nationals are flooding over the border.
Liberals haven’t had a new idea since the National
Health Card, Conservatives would lose the next
election if they ran unopposed, Western birthrates
are plummeting, lawlessness is rampant, everywhere
you look the seams are starting to crack, and above
it all sits an Imperial Congress riddled with corruption,
stone-deaf to the howls of public outrage, and
looking very tender indeed at the merest thought of
being held accountable for anything. Why, it’s
calamity enough to put you in mind of Shakespeare:
Now is the Winter of our Discontent, made more
of a Bummer by these Sons of
The first time I encountered Bill was when I read his
essay, Tribes, which I highly recommend.
Bill is a former liberal, but decided to "eject" when he
saw the "plane" was going to crash. He is now
writing a book called, "The American Civilization." He
is going to talk to us about how our civilization is
under attack, and what we can do about it. I
am sure you will find what he has to say both
and inspiring.
Read more at EjectEjectEject
Success in November - a Republican Victory
We now have to gear up for the November campaign
to re-elect Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the
whole Victory '06 Team of Tom McClintock, Bruce
McPherson, Chuck Poochigian, Steve Poizner, Tony
Strickland and Dick Mountjoy, as well as the rest of
the "down-ticket" Republican candidates.
We will begin to organize our local campaign,
including phone banks, precinct managers, and our
volunteer staff to get out the vote. Getting
Republicans out to vote in November is what will
bring us success. That is going to be our main
The efforts of our volunteers in the San Fernando
Valley will have a significant effect on the whole
statewide election. I am asking everyone to
volunteer and to put forth an extraordinary effort in
the next four months. I know you can do it just as
you did in 2003 for the Recall election, in 2004 for
the Bush/Cheney election, and in 2005 for the
Special Iniative election. This campaign is so
important that I am asking you do more than you
ever have, as I intend to.
This will be another great meeting of the San
Fernando Valley Republican Club. I look forward to
seeing all of you at the next meeting on Wednesday,
July 12th.

Gary Aminoff, President
San Fernando Valley Republican Club
(310) 387-6900