Dear Gary,
Our next general meeting will take place on Tuesday,
January 3, 2006, at 7:00pm at Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor
Meeting Room, 15555 Roscoe Blvd. (just east of the
405), North Hills.
Tentative Meeting Agenda
The principal agenda of the January 3rd meeting will
be to plan our activities for 2006. We will not have
any outside speakers at the January 3rd meeting.
There will be both primary elections and general
elections in 2006. We will want to plan who we want
to support for what offices in the primary election.
We also have a plan to grow our membership in the
Valley so we become even more of a potent political
force than we now are. We will discuss at the
meeting recommendations from the membership
committee on how to do that. We will have a report
from Karen Shapiro on the progress of the President's
Day "Rush" Party.
We will also be forming special committees for the
year. We will organize a Judicial Committee to do
background on judges running for office and to make
recommendations to the group as to which judges to
support. We will also form a School Outreach
Committee which will organize speakers to visit local
high schools and/or colleges.
Sign up on our Yahoo Website
We hope you will all attend this important 2006
planning session on January 3rd.

Gary Aminoff
San Fernando Valley Republican Club
(310) 387-6900